Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mister Mom

Yes, folks. About time we get another post out. My excuse this time is actually a valid one. I have officially been “Mr. Mom” for much of the past week. Unfortunately, Silvia has been battling an ear infection. It began with a mild sensitivity in her ear, which she thought might have been a mosquito bite. But day by day, the blockage and pain in her ear worsened to the point that we had to seek out a doctor. However, our timing was not very good. By the time we had made the decision to find a doctor, it was late afternoon the Thursday night of Easter weekend. Eventually we found a community health center in our neighborhood, but they recommended she see an ear specialist who would not be available until two days later.

Her examination confirmed our fears that she indeed had an ear infection. The worst part was that the infection was acute enough that it would be two or three days before she would see any improvement. I did my best to get the kids out of the apartment for several hours each day so she could rest. We managed to keep pretty busy with trips to the local parks, restaurant play areas, and such.

The kids especially enjoyed our trip to the Museo de los Ninos, at the Mercado Abasto shopping center. Silvia had planned on joining several other moms and kids from Diego’s kindergarten class, so I was named substitute Mr.Mom for the day. It was actually a nice afternoon. The Museo is not really a museum at all, but a three level play area for kids set up like a miniature city, with a bank, post office, supermarket, gas station, Mc Donalds, etcetera. The also had a cargo ship with a working crane to load cargo in nets. I enjoyed chatting with some of the other parents (I was the only Dad present). The fact that I had already met most of them while dropping off Diego at school made it a lot less awkward.

At the very least, I have gained a better understanding of what Silvia goes through when I leave on an airline trip for three or four days. In keeping with the “medical” theme of this post, I have finally gotten a taste of my own medicine!

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